
Click here to view the COVID-19 update for May 8, 2020

Click here to see the May 1, 2020 COVID-19 update. 

Click here to see the latest COVID-19 update from the Metlakatla First Nation. 

Click here to see the latest update from Indigenous Services Canada related to reources and assistance available during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Click here to view the COVID-19 Update for April 17, 2020.

In light of financial challenges facing many of our members as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Metlakatla Governing Council has authorized the issuance of a $500 per member disbursement.

Click here for more information.

Click here to see the COVID-19 Update for April 9, 2020

Click here to read the latest update on the COVID-19 situation. 

The links include: 

As the number of cases and deaths related to COVID-19 continue to increase in the province, the Metlakatla Health Department would like to once again strongly encourage all Metlakatla residents to remain in the community and make use of the grocery and supply shopping and delivery services provided by the Health and Social Development Departments.

Click here to read the latest update from the Metlakatla First Nation regarding the COVID-19 virus.
