News Category: Treaty

Attention Members:

The Metlakatla Food Fish Distributors are now starting the halibut portion of the program and will be contacting elders first.

The sockeye salmon portion of the program is now winding down as the Halibut distribution is about to begin.




The Metlakatla Treaty Office will be hosting two virtual community meetings later this month to provide an update to membership on the progress of the Treaty and discuss the draft Constitution. All Metlakatla members are welcome to participate. 


FEBRUARY 28, 2019 - The governments of Canada and British Columbia and the Metlakatla First Nation have signed a new agreement that will significantly advance reconciliation and treaty negotiations.


Click here for more informaiton about Treaty Community Meetings scheduled in Metlakatla, Prince Rupert, Prince George and Vancouver.


The Metlakatla Treaty Office invites all Metlakatla members to an important meeting to provide an update on the current state of negotiations with the Provincial and Federal Government.

Meetings will be held as follows:

Metlakatla BC:

Date: Monday, September 24

Location: Community Hall

Time: Noon to three p.m.


Prince Rupert BC: Thursday, September 27

Location: Highliner Inn

Time: Dinner at 5:30 p.m.


Prince George BC: Wednesday, October 3

Location: Coast Inn of the North


Attention members in Metlakatla and Prince Rupert:

The Metlakatla Treaty Office will be hosting two meetings on January 17 to provide an update on treaty negotiations and gain information on the importance of Metlakatla’s shared reserves. This meeting is for members only.

Metlakatla: January 17, 2017 – 9:30 a.m. lunch provided
Metlakatla Multi-purpose Room

Prince Rupert: January 17, 2017 – 6:30 p.m. Dinner provided
Location to be announced (based on # of
people attending)


Metlakatla DNA Project Update and New Research:

Are you interested in participating in the latest DNA Study?  If you meet the criteria below, would you like to help the researchers find out how diet influences the natural bacteria in your mouth? 
