
Under agreement with the Metlakatla Band Council, Fisheries and Oceans Canada is opening portions of Area 4 for food, social and ceremonial harvesting of cockles (Clinocardium nuttallii) and Butter Clams (Saxidomus igantea) for the Metlakatla First Nation only. Recent acceptable biotoxin monitoring results permit this opening.

Metlakatla First Nation is one of 21 randomly selected communities in northern BC invited to participate in the First Nations Regional Health Survey (RHS), which is being conducted by the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA). The RHS addresses a comprehensive range of health status, wellness and health determinant measures for First Nation communities, and provides comparability to other Canadian surveys while addressing First Nations priorities within a cultural and holistic framework.

Our final set of Land Code Membership Meetings will be on:

Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Prince George - The Coast Inn of the North, 770 Brunswick St. at 6pm - 9pm.

Thursday, September 15, 2016
Vancouver - Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre, 1607 E Hastings St. at 6pm - 9pm.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Prince Rupert - The Nisga Hall, 860 3 Ave West. at 6pm - 9pm.

The Metlakatla Ferry Service is preparing for back-to-school and has confirmed a schedule for the first day of classes.

There will be two ferry runs on Tuesday, September 6. In the morning the ferry will leave Metlakatla at 9:15 and return from Prince Rupert at 12:15 p.m. It will then leave Metlakatla at 12:30 p.m. and return from Prince Rupert at 3:20 p.m.

Regularly scheduled school runs, which will leave Metlakatla at 7:50 a.m. and will return from Prince Rupert at 3:30 p....m.

Full Metlakatla Chief and Council election results:

Official election results for Chief:

Randall Cobb: 75
Harold Leighton: 158 (elected)
Clifford Ryan: 57

Total ballots cast: 292
Spoiled/rejected ballots: 2

Official results for on-reserve councillors:

Alvin Leask Jr. - 121 (elected)
Sharon Morven - 113 (elected)
David Nelson - 87
Fanny Nelson - 106
James Nelson Sr. - 99
Robert Nelson - 132 (elected)

Total ballots: 260
Spoiled Ballots: 3

Metlakatla Fisheries would like to designate one or two fisherman to participate in a potential economic demonstration fishery on Sunday, August 21.

Candidates must have their Fisher's Registration Card (FRC) in order to participate, the vessel can be a commercial or non-commercial FV. The vessel must be equipped with a revival box for non-allocated species.

The Metlakatla Development Corporation is pleased to announce the launch of its new website at

The new site includes information on the Metlakatla Development Corporation's governance, history, wholly-owned businesses, current partnerships and latest news.

The online link for the annual Metlakatla Member Census is now online.

Members 15 and over and living in the traditional territory are encouraged to complete the Census at their convenience between now and August 26, with everyone completing a census form entered to win a number of prizes.

The complete Census can be found at

The Metlakatla First Nation Land Code outlines how Metlakatla will exercise its authority to govern, manage, and administer those reserve lands and resources. This document provides a “plain English” version of the Metlakatla Land Code. The left column has the proposed text of the Land Code and the right column has what the text means in simplified terms. If the Land Code text is self-explanatory, the right hand column was left intentionally blank.

Metlakatla Fisheries would like to designate one or two fisherman to participate in a potential economic demonstration fishery that will follow the next Area 4 commercial gillnet salmon fishery.

Candidates must have their Fisher's Registration Card (FRC) in order to participate, the vessel can be a commercial or non-commercial FV. The vessel must be equipped with a revival box for non-allocated species.
